Youth Leaders Training Course

Niva Shakya

October  27, 2013

To generate impetus for the accomplishment of KOSEN RUFU in Nepal, a ‘youth leadership training course’, the first of its kind, was conducted at the headquarters of Nepal-SGI on 26th October 2013. As the title of the course depicts, it was a meeting of youth initiated by the youth; National youth leaders, district youth leaders, block youth leaders, byakuren and sokahan—all were included in the training, which focused on their roles as a leaders of the future advancement of Nepal Kosen Rufu. This  spirited training course included the participation of 22 youth , which started at 11am and ended at 5:30 pm. The main goal of this training was to inspire leadership and instill new skills and courage in all the leaders.

This training course contained various components and was conducted in an interactive way, with numerous speakers participating. The Mind set was to encourage ; this is SGI ! Inspirational videos of renowned world leaders, experiences based on kosenrufu, leadership in 21st century, the spirit of an  SGI leader, and the basic concepts of faith, practice and study were the contents of the course.  Nine youth leaders;  Arjun Rakhal (YMD chief), Sanjay Paudel (YMD Vice chief) , Dibya Shrestha(YWD chief), Matina Shakya, Sabeena Shrestha (YWD Vice-chief), Grishma Chitrakar ( district YWD leader), Niva Shakya ( Block YWD chief) , Yurika Shakya ( Youth chief) and Navin Manandhar (Youth advisor) presented and facilitated the topics aforementioned.

All the participants dedicated their whole hearted efforts to absorb the learning and knowledge from the dialogue that ensued. This training, on one hand has highlighted the responsibility of each leader to take KOSENRUFU forward and on the other hand, charged the leaders to work to their fullest capabilities and foster future leaders as well as members. The training was conducted in order to bring the youth leaders forward to uphold the dream of Ikeda sensei to establish youth as the PILLARS of the SGI.  Therefore, a heightened level of youth leadership in Nepal-SGI is expected as an outcome of this training course.