How do I get Started?

The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is presently practised by some 12 million believers around the world, associated with an organization called the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) The SGI was established in 1975 under the leadership of its founding and present president, Daisaku Ikeda, as a movement for the promotion of peace, culture and education based on the Buddhist principle of respect for the dignity of life.

SGI has member-organisations in 190 countries. Nepal SGI was registered as a religious organization in January 1, 1993. Besides conducting activities and programmes to encourage the study and practice of Nichiren’s Buddhism, Nepal SGI also carries out community services, educational and cultural programmes, to foster social harmony and progress based on the Buddhist spirit of value-creation.

Anyone who wishes to learn more about Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism and the activities of the Nepal SGI will be invited to discussion meetings, small gatherings of Nepal SGI members and friends where dialogue centres round the application of the Buddhist philosophy to various life situations. Lectures and seminars on Buddhist doctrines are also open to all, believers and non-believers alike.

A new believer is encouraged to practise the daily chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo first, before he or she progresses to learn the recitation from the Lotus Sutra after gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of his or her new found faith.